Monthly Archives :

January 2022

Should You Repair or Replace Your AC?

Should You Repair or Replace Your AC? 150 150 Lewis Comfort Control

When you are having problems with an HVAC in Nashville, you will eventually have to decide if you want to repair or completely replace your air conditioner. There are benefits and drawbacks to both decisions The cost of repair is often less expensive in the near term, but continued repairs and lessened efficiency will eventually make it a better idea to replace an AC rather than repairing it. Here are some of these considerations you…

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Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair

Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair 150 150 Lewis Comfort Control

A heat pump at your home in Nashville can keep you and your family comfortably warm all winter long. But in order to do that, it must be working effectively. Various challenges like age, damage, and other malfunctions can cause your heat pump to stop running correctly, potentially raising your energy bills or even leaving you sitting in the cold. Knowing the first signs that can indicate a problem with your heat pump can help…

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Heat Pump Inspection Checklist

Heat Pump Inspection Checklist Lewis Comfort Control

Like any other cooling and heating equipment, your heat pump system is vulnerable to performance degradation if it isn’t properly maintained. Breakdown of your heat pump can cost you thousands of dollars, which is the last thing you need. Preventative heat pump services will keep it safe from technical failure and make it more efficient than furnaces, especially in regions of moderate climates. It is possible to avoid a build-up of debris and dirt and withstand…

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Why Your Furnace May Be Causing Indoor Allergies

Why Your Furnace May Be Causing Indoor Allergies 150 150 Lewis Comfort Control

With a few months to go before the height of spring allergy season in Nashville, it can be irritating to find you are experiencing allergies now. There are several things that can trigger indoor allergies in the winter, but one of the most common causes is dust particles in your furnace. The average home in Nashville contains hundreds of dust and mold particles. Generally, the numbers are too small to cause a problem, but a…

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All You Need To Know About Duct Cleaning

All You Need To Know About Duct Cleaning Lewis Comfort Control

HVAC systems are present in all homes to heat and cool your homes throughout the year, making them more comfortable and habitable. However, just like any other piece of equipment, an HVAC system requires regular maintenance. It’s important to remember that duct cleaning is one of the most important aspects of maintaining an HVAC system. The ductwork in your home serves as the heart and lungs of your HVAC system. The channels in your home’s heating, cooling,…

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Save on Heating the Cost of Your Home

Save on Heating the Cost of Your Home 150 150 Lewis Comfort Control

There are still several months of winter left, and that means at least a few more cold nights in Nashville. At the same time, prices are going up, including on natural gas. The average annual increase in natural gas in Nashville is just over 15%, and this year may even be more. If your home relies on natural gas heat, you may already have experienced a jump in your heating bill this season. These tips…

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